21K World School – World-Class Education for Your World

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Startup Name: 21K World School

Tagline: World-Class Education for Your World

Elevator Pitch: 21K is a pioneer in proffering personalized, affordable and high-quality lessons using an advanced learning platform, which is equipped with an exhaustive repository of text, audio and video content. Each learner is blessed with some unique abilities that set her or him apart. Our inclusive school provides an environment conducive for every child to blossom into confident, motivated and resilient young adults.

Target Market: Students aspiring to stand out and excel in School education to join the top universities in the world.

How will you make money?: We are revenue generating

How much capital have you raised?: 5-10m

Founder(s) Name: Santosh Kumar

Website: https://www.21kschool.world/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/21KSchoolWorld

City/Country: Singapore

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