Pret A Cover – Pret A Cover Modest Revolution – One of a Kind Print-On-Demand Drop Shipping Modest Lifestyle Product Platform

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Startup Name: Pret A Cover

Tagline: Pret A Cover Modest Revolution – One of a Kind Print-On-Demand Drop Shipping Modest Lifestyle Product Platform

Elevator Pitch: Pret A Cover, a platform that allows everyone to tap into and benefit from the modest lifestyle consumer spending power. Our mission is to support your creativity and our vision is to help you to take your market share. We do all the work, you just create collections that no one else can sell but you & earn revenues worldwide! No investment, no minimums, no risk.

It started with Alia Khan, a founder, chairwoman of Islamic Fashion and Design Council (IFDC), an organisation established for the development of the Islamic fashion and design industry worldwide.

Target Market: Global

How will you make money?: The modest fashion industry is valued $277 billion and is estimated to reach $311 billion by 2024. The PAC platform’s business is based on the POD and Drop shipping model with a minimum 45% markup.

PAC has the strongest track record and positioning in the modest lifestyle space. The leading, fastest growing population in the market is the growing Muslim population,around 1.8b. The strong secondary market is Christian, Jewish, other faiths, and non faith based consumers, roughly 2+b population. With a 2.5% share of the market, PAC can reach Revenue by year 3. Qualified consumers is 2% of this population, which gives us access to 40m potential customers. 1m customers with an average spend per customer of $50 = $50m.

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: Alia Khan


Twitter: @PretACover

City/Country: London

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