The Healthy Business Lab – Certified Profit First Professional in Australia

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Startup Name: The Healthy Business Lab

Tagline: Certified Profit First Professional in Australia

Elevator Pitch: The Healthy Business Lab (formerly Mints CD Consulting) was born off the back of a passion to help impact driven Health & Wellness business owners, and any other business owners who want a healthy, sustainable business, transform their business and their lives. Engaging with The Healthy Business Lab is all about you and your team. Creating the frameworks that optimise your business on a holistic level.

It Starts With a Plan…a Profit First Plan. You may have a business plan and a marketing plan, but do you have a profit plan? If you fail to plan you plan to fail. And never is that more important than with profit and cashflow in business. It doesn’t need to be that way. With a Profit First Plan you can simplify how you view your numbers and put a system in place to manage your day to day money decisions.

Target Market: Australia

How will you make money?: Services

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: Craig Minter


Twitter: @mintscd

City/Country: Sutherland, Australia

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