What If Advice – Financial Planning and Accounting Services in Toowong

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Startup Name: What If Advice

Tagline: Financial Planning and Accounting Services in Toowong

Elevator Pitch: What if you could afford that home you’ve always wanted? What if you could go on holiday with your family more often? What if you could send your kids to the best schools without going into crippling debt? Life would be amazing, right? Unfortunately, most people get stuck in the what if stage and end up never really changing what is—and this is where we come in.

We help Individuals, Family’s & Businesses with their financial what ifs. What if you can grow your wealth, what if you can pay less tax, buy a new home, or retire sooner. We’ll turn your what ifs into specific financial goals, create an easy-to-follow strategy, manage its implementation, and give you a technological solution that would allow you to track and maintain your finances more effectively.

Target Market: Australia

How will you make money?: services

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: Conaill Keniry

Website: https://www.whatifadvice.com.au/


City/Country: Toowong, Australia

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