Data Excavator – Data Excavator – Scraping for everyone

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Startup Name: Data Excavator

Tagline: Data Excavator – Scraping for everyone

Elevator Pitch: Data Excavator – powerful C# server for crawling, scraping and saving any data from websites. With the data excavator, you simply can scrape any data from any website and use it for you own purposes. It’s a really simple and fast solution with minimal entry point for everyone who want to mine data and don’t want to read many of tutorials.

The Data Excavator can be used in most of situations when you need to extract any-typed data from any website. May be, you want to create a e-commerce project and you search for a goods data source? May be you want to build a service for prices comparing? May be you are a big data specialist and must prepare some data set for analysing? Any task in data scraping that you can imagine you can solve with the Data Excavator application. We simply take any page and sequentially extract all data from it. You don’t need any settings – we have a ready-made configuration.

Target Market: Our target market is E-commerce. Our application is used to extract product cards, analyze competitors and monitor prices. Our product is targeted at individuals and small businesses.

How will you make money?: Selling product activation keys

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: Vitaly Popov



City/Country: Kazahstan

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