InvoicePad – Our platform helps small and medium-sized businesses, and freelancers to ease their invoices and payments, by helping them to simplify their business management processes, unlike traditional platforms which give ads on google but do not give importance to quality.

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Startup Name: InvoicePad

Tagline: Our platform helps small and medium-sized businesses, and freelancers to ease their invoices and payments, by helping them to simplify their business management processes, unlike traditional platforms which give ads on google but do not give importance to quality.
Elevator Pitch: It requires a full job to invoice, create bids, and manage accounts receivable. Most business owners bite off more than one can chew while attempting to manage each task while managing and expanding a business.

This is where InvoicePad comes in. Predict your monthly earnings, keep track of your accounts receivable, and send bills to your clients that they may pay online in seconds. You’ll have everything you need in one place, including clever insights to assist you to make better business decisions and real-time financial analysis.

Get started with InvoicePad to make it easier for your business. Get online payments instantly, and manage your clients without getting lost in messy notes and documents.

Target Market: USA, Europe

How will you make money?: Subscription to platform, % fees on online payments of invoices

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Oguzhan Arnak


Twitter: @oguzhanarnak

City/Country: Istanbul/Turkey

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