Ultimate 48 Hour Author – Ultimate 48 Hour Author

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Startup Name: Ultimate 48 Hour Author

Tagline: Ultimate 48 Hour Author

Elevator Pitch: Meet Australia’s leading non-fction book mentors. We help first-time authors to write, publish and leverage their first book. Writing a book is on many people’s ‘bucket list’ – Sadly, most of them will never achieve that big goal! Let’s face it, if writing a book was easy, everyone with a desire and a story would be doing it. Frequently however, writers just don’t know where to start as they face problems.

At Ultimate 48 Hour Author, we quickly realized that it wasn’t enough for someone to be shown a helicopter view of a system, they needed hands-on guidance throughout the entire process. From conceptual ideas and brain dumping of the content – to analyzing exactly what their target audience is looking for – to content structure, chapter format, proof-reading, editing, layout, cover design – seeding the readers’ next step – to, marketing and leveraging the book to reach as many people as possible.

Target Market: Australia

How will you make money?: Services

How much capital have you raised?: 10-50k

Founder(s) Name: Natasa Denman

Website: https://www.writeabook.com.au/


City/Country: Diamond Creek, Australia

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This book will change your life



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Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


He also invested in Amazon, Intuit, Zynga, Compaq, Netscape, Macromedia, Symantec, Sun & dozens of other companies.


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