xTiles – A web note-taking app for creative people that combines the best from text editors and whiteboards. Think, write, and organize your thoughts based on cards and tabs. Structure and enrich all of your ideas in one place.

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Startup Name: xTiles

Tagline: A web note-taking app for creative people that combines the best from text editors and whiteboards. Think, write, and organize your thoughts based on cards and tabs. Structure and enrich all of your ideas in one place.

Elevator Pitch: That was always a choice of where can I unload my thoughts, whether on a whiteboard or in Apple Notes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t feel comfortable in both places. Notes are too small, too simple; I couldn’t move and drag rows; it wasn’t flexible enough. Instead, whiteboards gave a lot of freedom, but it wasn’t strict enough. I had to align pixel by pixel and zoom a lot, and when I needed to dive deep, I couldn’t. So why the market hasn’t had a combination of whiteboard and notes to make brilliant brainstorms, express ideas, and create efficient strategies. We have been trying to fix it.

The main idea is to get the tool that will allow having a workspace to set out unstructured information, refine it, connect and save it. So many people invest time in creating a knowledge base. With any other tool, they need significant extra efforts to categorize, sort and link. xTiles enable them to do it more natively and quickly.

Target Market: Note-taking app, Knowledge Management, B2C/B2B, SaaS, US

How will you make money?: Subscription, Freemium model

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Max Kuchur

Website: https://xtiles.app/en

Twitter: @xTilesHQ

City/Country: Wilmington, DE, US

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