Zario – Digital Wellbeing – Zario is the first app that creates a personal journey of exciting, psychology backed challenges to improve how we use our phones and live our lives.

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Startup Name: Zario – Digital Wellbeing

Tagline: Zario is the first app that creates a personal journey of exciting, psychology backed challenges to improve how we use our phones and live our lives.

Elevator Pitch: Zario is a digital wellbeing app that helps people reduce unwanted screentime and replace it by meaningful activities. It combines psychology and gamification and uses daily micro-challenges to help users change their habits in a fun and easy way, while leveraging AI to personalize the journey.
With the world’s smartest psychologists paid to keep you on your phone and looking at ads, it’s no wonder generations Y and Z spend 7 hours a day on their phones.

70% of phone users feel they spend too much time on their phone, and 35% take steps to reduce screen time. Reducing screen time requires change of digital habits. Without the right tools, such change is not easy and that’s why 70% of users fail.

Target Market: By engineering virality into our app, we bring additional users (examples could be incentivised referrals, or social challenge daring on WA, IG or TikTok). Second pillar is influencer marketing, where we will use our base of 400 micro influencers and incentivize them with free samples & discounts value services. Third pilar is performance marketing where we will take advantage of 130% outbreak “phone addiction” search and +20k monthly searches and achieve high ranking for related search terms due to unsaturated market

How will you make money?: Direct subscriptions – we will offer users a free individual journey and a gamified team-based approach that will be behind a paywall. Each user will be able to get free access to the premium model for a month by referring a friend, which will lead to viral growth of our user base
• Health insurance paid therapy (e.g. in Germany). In other countries, we can partner directly with
health insurance providers
• Employer-funded help for employees. Currently, some employers provide meditation apps to their
employees. Our app can have a much higher impact on employee productivity than meditation and
could therefore be appealing to employers.
• Affiliate marketing – we will partner up with other non-competitive wellbeing apps and will give users
discount codes as rewards for completing challenges and get a kick-back from successful sales. We
already have a partnership with Phonecell

How much capital have you raised?:

Founder(s) Name: Ondrej Zak, Killian Fjellbakk



City/Country: Zürich, Switzerland

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Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


He also invested in Amazon, Intuit, Zynga, Compaq, Netscape, Macromedia, Symantec, Sun & dozens of other companies.


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