Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job
Startup Name: EmbeddedJobs
Tagline: Elite jobs from the best High Tech companies in the World 🌍
Elevator Pitch: Embedded.Jobs is a specialized job board designed for engineers and professionals with a background in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
We are the #1 Job board crafted only for the Embedded Systems job market, a tailored solution connecting best engineer with TOP job opportunities and specialized recruiters.
Target Market: Recruitment
How will you make money?: job listings, sponsorship, affiliate marketing
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Luca Zambuto
Website: https://embedded.jobs
Twitter: lzzzzam
City/Country: Italy
Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job