
BillingEngine – Slick Billing System For Freelancers

Ed: Had a few of these billing systems recently, when you see a category start to get lots of replication it gets a bit boring (after the 10th Uber for X App I usually stop publishing them) but this billing system looked super slick so decided it deserved a shot.

Startup Name BillingEngine
What problem are you solving? It provides freelancers with the opportunity to save all their invoices, clients, and projects in one place, without the need to store files on their local computers.Invoices can be converted into professional looking PDFs at the click of a button. Received payments are totalled and displayed as bar charts, giving the user more control over his finances.

BillingEngine is the only browser-based invoicing app that is 100% responsive, i.e. works on any screen size.

What is your solution? BillingEngine is the cloud invoicing solution for the international freelancer. It helps small businesses keep track of their clients, projects, invoices, and payments. It supports multiple languages and currencies out of the box.
Target Market Freelancers, SMEs, entrepreneurs
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Timo Kleemann who was born and raised in Germany is holding a degree in International Business from the University of Brighton, UK, and a Masters degree in Information Technology from Queen Mary University of London. In 2006 he founded DesignBits, a web design agency based in Hamburg, Germany. In this spare time he enjoys travelling and playing tennis.
Founders Names Timo Kleemann
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Twitter Handle @BillingEngine
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