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Startup Name 6Tribes
What problem are you solving? According to a YouGov study of over 2,000 UK consumers, a whopping 55 per cent of Millennials (aged 18 – 34) agree that at least half of the posts they see on their social networks are ‘irrelevant’. The social network that wins the dubious title of ‘Most Irrelevant’ is Facebook, with 68% of Millennials identifying it as the network through which they receive the highest volume of irrelevant posts.Perhaps more worryingly for traditional social networks, nearly half of Millennials (48 per cent) find these irrelevant posts ‘boring’ and over a third (35 per cent) find them ‘irritating’. Other words used by respondents to describe this torrent of irrelevant posts included ‘infuriated’, ‘upset’, ‘invaded’, ‘angry’ and even ‘violated’.Social networking is in the middle of a relevance crisis. In their efforts to attract millions of users and billions of ad dollars, traditional networks have become bloated. This is negatively impacting the experience of that crucial bellwether audience: The Millennial Generation. Just a few of the gripes we heard in our focus group include endless baby pictures, cheesy motivational quotes, attention-seeking rants, and self-important check-ins. Sound familiar?

It is this challenge that prompted us to create 6Tribes, a social network that cuts out the noise and gets users ‘straight to the good stuff’.

One of the most enjoyable parts of setting up 6Tribes has been watching new tribes of users engage around weird and wonderful topics. The ‘Creative Prep’ tribe is a place where members share survival tips for a Doomsday scenario. The ‘Sleuthers’ tribe love mysteries; from Nancy Drew to Sherlock Holmes. ‘Shadow Bloods’ is a tribe for to half human, half mythical creatures. You get the idea.

“Random to one person is wonderful to another. The whole point of the app is that if you love something, you can talk about shamelessly and apologetically it all day long with people who share your passion. If you don’t, you’ll never see it.”

What is your solution? 6Tribes is a new social network based on your interests that cuts out the noise and gets you straight to the good stuff. From Craft Beer to Outfit Of The Day, 6Tribes connects you with the things you love. There are over a thousand tribes full of like-minded people to chat with and give you the inside scoop on the subjects you choose. If your tribe isn’t there, simply start one and spread the word!So no more endless baby pictures, cheesy motivational quotes or attention-seeking rants – unless that’s your thing of course. With 6Tribes, you’re in control.

Don’t see your favourite tribe? Start your own in a few seconds, add tags and an optional location, and 6Tribes will begin finding people who match with your tribe.

Target Market Consumers
How will you make money? Free
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? 6Tribes was founded by Anthony Rose.Previously, Anthony co-founded Beamly, the social and content network for television. Beamly brings you news and community around your favourite shows and lets you play along with the show. For broadcasters, Beamly is a publishing tool that brings audience, insight and interactivity to their shows.

Before Beamly, Anthony headed up BBC iPlayer from 2007 to 2010, taking it from pre-launch to major success story. Prior to that, he was CTO at Altnet and Kazaa, creating a digital music store and download application. And before that he was CTO at Brilliant Digital where I lead the team building an interactive story-telling platform using real-time 3D graphics.

Founders Names Anthony Rose
Website http://6tribes.com
Twitter Handle @6_tribes
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