Resonator – Media Asset Control App for Designers – Pitch Your Startup

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Ed: Not sure this is VC fundable business as is, however is is one of those apps that solves a single focused problem really well and is totally slick.

The way it could possibly become a fundable business is if it could use this app to put a designer friendly UI on something like Github.

Version control is generally not a solved problem for creative or engineering teams outside of software development.

I am unaware of any platform which is as capable at version control for design/creative/engineering teams as well as Git/Github is for software developers (albeit whilst being so unfriendly and unwieldy to the newcomer).

If the Resonator team could work out how to provide team version control for designers this could create a compelling B2B business and give them an annuity revenue.

But will they?

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What problem are you solving?
RESONATOR will save designers loads of time on tedious work that they used to do manually. It stores all the design elements you draw and transfers them to developers in a single file. This means no more “slices” in separate files and no more endlessly searching for them when you need to fix something.
What is your solution?
With Resonator you can collect all the design elements from all of your project’s screens into a single Res-Project.psd, export all design elements with file names and an organized folder structure, and store all the design elements in order to transfer to other developers in a single file.
Why is this a great opportunity?
A better way to collect, export and store your design elements in one place
Target Market
UI designers, mobile designers, ui prototypers, web designers, graphic designers, mobile developers, design integrators (mostly mobile designers: Android, iOS and WP)
How will you make money?
Subscriptions, Advertisements
Founders Names
Pavel Skripkin, Evgeny Belyaev
What type of funding has the company received
Bootstrapped/self funded


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