Everytap – Another Venue App With A Strange Launch Strategy

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Ed: Continuing the Easter Crucifixion, we have yet another location based venue place app. It’s boring and you are 3 years to late to be launching this.

Sadly when I went to have a look at the App store to download it, everything is in Polish.

Later I found a part of the site which indicates they had launched in Poland and Guatemala, which made me consider for a moment that I had absolutely no idea these were related markets.

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I will leave you to ponder the reasoning behind the decision to simultaneously launch in Poland and Guatemala (a country which Wikipedia quotes as being struggling with high rates of poverty, crime, drug trade and instability and recently had a former president convicted for Genocide).

Hard to imagine two countries in their respective continents which you might find less attractive.


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What problem are you solving? Venue owners find it hard to keep the customers they already had. One reason why is that they lack modern analytics and communication tools. Users, on the other hand, find using current loyalty programs time-consuming, difficult and they easily forget about them. We are trying to address all these issues with a simple solution called Everytap.
What is your solution? It drives foot traffic at physical locations and boosts loyalty as well as volume of transactions. Everytap is also a great way for producers to promote their products at partnering venues while remotely managing sales and deals.
Why is this a great opportunity? Everytap is an app available on iOS and Android that lets users enjoy their time out more by rewarding them for visits and orders at favorite entertainment venues. Soon, it will make it easy to pay for ordered products without taking wallet, card or even phone out of a pocket. This will make hanging out at favorite venues just like visiting friends’ party. How awesome?
Target Market A. Users who enjoy dining out in the city frequently. B. Entertainment venue owners. C. Marketing managers at brands producing products available at such venues.
How will you make money? Advertising
Founders Names Adam Pachucki
Website http://everytap.com/
What type of funding has the company received Bootstrapped/self funded

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