thingthing Keyboard – iOS App That Provides A Single Interface To Use Multiple Apps At Once

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Ed: I was expecting some sort of physical keyboard but turns out this is an App that acts a wrapper or dashboard for many of your common apps and functions, avoiding the need to switch back and forth between apps.

The usability problem is real enough, it is frustrating app/context switching back and forth between apps, it’s not clear if this is a good solution as yet as it is still in limited beta and I was not able to get access.

Startup Name

thingthing keyboard

What problem are you solving? During a conversation on my iPhone, I had to quit to answer to a client. Basically, a simple yes or no for the rendezvous next week, find the documents he needed to read beforehand and find a nice place to have lunch.My episode was really frustrating. I looked at my Calendar, then visited Dropbox and ended up opening Yelp to find a nice place around. By struggling between apps, I fell deeply frustrated about looking here and there, asking myself how can it be so poorly realised?!

I soon realized that iPhones are quite limited today. Then, I found other iPhone users having the same problem.

Shortly after, we started thingthing with the aim of creating an iOS keyboard adapted to our digital era and keep users immersed in their conversations. We also wanted to create a tool that would enable everyone to naturally write rich messages and emails on the go.

What is your solution? thingthing keyboard is the fastest and most enjoyable wayto access your digital contents while chatting or emailingEverything is just a thumb away. It instantly connects you to 3rd party apps & services you use.

The benefits are clear:
No more switching apps during a conversation, everything is a tap away
Instantly access contents from many services at the right moment
Make better decisions when answering or sending a message
Enrich conversations by providing new content to share or attach
Make it more natural to compose an email or message on the go
Give the ability to personalize by connecting what users want

Target Market iOS 3rd party keyboards market
How will you make money? Via in-app purchases, viral element in every shares via thingthing keyboard, customization of keyboard and unique features, also some business packs will be paid by users
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? iOS keyboards are a new and opened market that Apple has opened. Compared with Android, the market is completely opened (7 years old on Android). But whats most unique is the fact that today on iOS, every app is in a silo and while chatting and emailing, it is very hard to attach a link or image that is not on your iPhone / iPad. We are addressing a latent needs expressed by users.
Founders Names Olivier Plante, Jose Bautista
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
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