The Safety Compass – Workplace Augmented Reality Safety Data App

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Ed: This app is solving a real problem.

They overlay know safety and hazard data over the phones location and point of view to provide data about what hazards exist in the area.

They need a new website to better illustrate the value proposition, but these guys are just bootstrapping out of Wollongong University, you can follow them on Angelist here if you are interested in helping them.




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The Safety Compass

What problem are you solving? The problem is worker reliance on complex paper based safety management systems to understand and control workplace risks.Risk information imported by The Safety Compass is sourced from existing risk management databases. The synthesised and user friendly presentation facilitates risk assessment practices that are certified to Australian and International Standards. The system is fast, efficient and caters for a range of viewer circumstances – overcoming the challenges of reading large volumes of complicated text in dark, shifting, loud or crowded environments. Visual codes and graphics ensure information usually stored in expansive manuals in site offices follows the viewer wherever they go, slashing the time and effort necessary to assess dangers in the workplace.
What is your solution? By accessing the worker’s physical location, The Safety Compass presents vital information on present dangers straight to the worker’s phone through an augmented reality output, avoiding the necessity of bulky safety manuals to locate and manage risk. Using the phone’s inbuilt camera and GPS system, the app displays real and present dangers to the viewer that adapt and compensate for the viewer’s field of vision.
Why is this a great opportunity? While the app is particularly suited to high risk sites, employees can tailor The Safety Compass to any workplace, through auser friendly admin panel. Updates to the admin panel can also allow forreal time risk communication to field users – a hazard tag can be added within minutes, making new risks live for workers to view. Similarly,preemptive hazard tags can be added and made active as a project progresses.Completely unique and globally scalable, the app is provisionally patented, and a working prototype has been developed in iOS. The app has tested successfully at a range of process plants and construction sites.The Safety Compass represents a digital revolution in workplace safety – it brings life saving hazard information to the onsite worker quickly and efficiently.
Target Market The target market is construction, process plants (such as petroleum, oil & gas) and energy/infrastructure clients – a market which employs 25% of Australian workers and which is valued at ~AUD$500M. Based on workforce statistics from the International Labour Organisation The Safety Compass can positively impact on the lives of 3 million Australian workers.Globally, the percentage of workers employed in the above target markets are comparable in the USA, European Union and and Canada resulting in a combined workforce of 100 million people.
How will you make money? The business revenue model is based on client funded annual licence fees, tailored to client size and complexity with the app free to use for field workers, encouraging uptake by the most ‘at risk’ users – those exposed to workplace hazards.For example asmall scale construction company with 3 basic construction projects will be charged a base rate for the annual licence plus anadditional rate for under 5additional sites. This approach allows ‘smaller’ companies operating in high risk environments to effectively communicate risk information to field workers without the complexity and cost associated with multinational program use.For example a national chemical manufacturer with 20 sites will be charged a base rate for the annual licence plus an additional rate for 20 complex sites. This approach allows large scale clients to manage The Safety Compass administration centrally, ensuring incoming and outgoing data remains consistent and quality remains high.

The business revenue model is also naturally applicable to markets in Asia, the Middle East, the United Kingdom.

Founders Names Adam Poole and Darren Mittal
What type of funding has the company received Bootstrapped/self funded


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