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Startup Name Valuiza
What problem are you solving? Businesses aren\’t able to connect customer feedback with their bottom line to predict and manage the value that customers will contribute.
What is your solution? Valuiza provides a single, integrated platform that enables businesses to easily and cost effectively collect smart customer feedback, measure financial impact and identify actions the business can focus on to maximise value creation.
Target Market Organisations conducting business online (pure play or hybrid), whether B2C or B2B, across all industry sectors and operating in major English speaking markets globally e.g. Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Canada, Singapore, etc. It is estimated that the size of the addressable target market is at least 2.5 million organisations.
How will you make money? Subscription based SaaS platform offering various plans defined by feature differentiation.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Customer feedback is a fragmented market with a significant number of service offerings, however, none are able to provide the critical link between feedback and bottom line results, together with what-if and action plan functionalities.I developed the IP as a result of completing Doctoral research in the field of relationship marketing. I was later awarded patents in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Singapore and after using the IP in the off-line world for a few years, I took the plunge and incorporated the IP into a SaaS platform in late 2014.
Founders Names Dr Ray McHale
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) NA
Twitter Handle ValuizaApp

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