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Startup Name FollowAlong
What problem are you solving? Independent, confident travelers hate looking like tourists and don’t want to be constrained by the schedule of a traditional group tour. FollowAlong delivers that same great content but on your own schedule, the way you want to use it.
What is your solution? FollowAlong is a mobile app that curates a library of interactive, geotagged walking tours and adventures. Users can choose a city and category and start exploring without needing to join a cramped, impersonal tour group. The FollowAlong app guides users stop by stop and provides inside information and trivia along the way.
Target Market Free independent travelers, women travelers, city explorers, local influencers
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Frank Pobutkiewicz is a recent graduate from Boston University (Class of 2010). Since 2011, he has founded two academic travel companies called the All-American Model UN Programs and Whiteboard Youth Ventures. Both work with high school students and facilitate outbound and inbound educational programs. He has traveled with high school students to Eastern Europe, China, India, and in the spring to Latin America.

Douglas Soons holds a law degree from Emory University and for the last fifteen years has run Revolution Capital, a investment management and small business planning firm. Doug grew up in Saudi Arabia and has spent much of his life traveling around the world, seeking out unique and usual attractions.

Founders Names Frank Pobutkiewicz
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Twitter Handle @FollowAlong_me
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