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Startup Name Konvene
What problem are you solving? Planning activities with friends is a pain simply because people end up using multiple tools just to plan a simple event.
What is your solution? Konvene is the place where you can create and plan any type of event. This wonderful app provides users with the necessary tools to organize an event, as a host; things as simple as creating your event description can be accomplished, and as complex as having your event’s stats. As a guest; attending an event has never being so entertaining, posting pictures, throwing in money, and rating the event are just a couple of the many things Konvene offers.
Target Market College Students
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Luis Polito and Eduardo Escobar are Konvene’s Founders. They are both juniors in college.
Founders Email [email protected]
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Website http://www.konveneapp.com/
Twitter Handle @konveneapp
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