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Startup Name TheSquareFoot
What problem are you solving? Businesses struggle in their search for space.
What is your solution? We provide you with two things: technology that makes it easy to search for the perfect office and a radically transparent brokerage to walk you through the leasing process.
Target Market Small and medium sized businesses across the country.
How will you make money? Transaction fees paid by the landlord
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Market is the 30b in commissions paid annually for commercial real estate leasing.Three friends from TX. Jonathan by way of JLL and Justin is a commercial real estate lifer. Aron from healthcare tech. Together bringing technology to the leasing process for businesses across the country.
Founders Names Justin Lee, Aron Susman, Jonathan Wasserstrum
What type of funding has the company received? Angel
Twitter Handle @thesqft
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