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Startup Name Tactick
What problem are you solving? We all know success isn’t about some one-time, Herculean effort; it’s about actually doing simple tasks again and again and again. But the ‘actually doing’ part is what’s hard. We get overwhelmed, we make excuses, and we forget what, when, and why we need to do these seemingly insignificant tasks. And we kid ourselves into thinking there’s some other way to achieve and maintain success. That’s why we built Tactick—simple, powerful software that makes it easy to stick to routines.
What is your solution? Tactick upgrades your recurring tasks to Organized Routines™ that make it easy to create, assign, schedule, prompt, account for, and report on all the recurring tasks it takes to keep your life running smoothly and making progress.
Target Market Businesses, Families, Individuals. People in Charge: Leaders, Managers, etc.
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Rick Carter, Tactick Founder. Rick is a nationally recognized business process and analytics consultant. Rick used the principles behind Tactick to launch and grow multiple companies, including Equation Consulting, a Utah-based firm that is now a fixture in healthcare. Rick is also author of the new book Routinized: How the Organized Routine™ Routinizes the Work That Elevates Success in Your Business, Family, and Personal Life.Dave Rasmussen, Tactick Co-founder. Dave began his career developing innovative, data-driven solutions for physicians and hospitals across the country, then led business operations for one of the largest independent physician groups in the nation. Passionate about the power of using simple, organized routines to achieve and maintain success, he walked away from his promising healthcare career to start Tactick. Dave is a firm believer in the big difference small tasks make when you actually stick to them.
Founders Names Dave Rasmussen
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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Website www.tactick.com
Twitter Handle @TactickApp
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