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Startup Name | Wandrshop |
What problem are you solving? | It\’s really time-consuming and sometimes impossible to find the best shops to visit, how to get there, opening times, cool local brands, nearby outlets and basic tips on sales, sizing, and discounts.Information on-line is often out-dated, inaccurate or subjective. It\’s also often in a different language. It\’s such a waste of precious travel time. Wherever they go, people should shop confidently like a local. |
What is your solution? | Wandrshop is an app for people who love to shop when they travel. There are so many resources for general travel – where to go, how to get there, where to stay, where to eat, what to see and do……but there\’s something missing – where is the organised information on WHERE TO SHOP? So we just launched Wandrshop on the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id975960766 The app features 11 great shopping destinations: Dubai, Hong Kong, Lisbon, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Milan, Munich, New York, Paris and Singapore. More cities on the way! The app is also available in five different languages: English, Spanish, French, Chinese and Japanese. Alongside some of the world\’s greatest travel destinations are amazing shops, products and people ready to help travelers find that perfect, memorable item to take back home. |
Target Market | Consumers |
How will you make money? | Free to download from app store |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | We have always put shopping high on our travel itinerary. We travel to over 10 cities a year for shopping, culture and adventure.From fashion to home furnishings and unique gifts, our friends and family have always been amazed at what we can find. We\’ve had adventures and learned loads from our travels. We believe everyone should enjoy shopping not be overwhelmed and hope that Wandrshop helps them do just that! |
Founders Names | Jaimini Lakhani |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.wandrshop.com |
Twitter Handle | wandrshop |
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