VnuMngr / Sales, Marketing & Operation cloud software for venues

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Startup Name VnuMngr / Sales, Marketing & Operation cloud software for venues
What problem are you solving? Some venues still take booking information over the phone and write it on a piece of paper, some use google docs,
others use all different software\’s to solve one problem, each software have different user experience, each software had
many unusable features, each software charges commission fees and installation fees, all of them combined didn\’t
solve all problems that venue operators needs and doesn\’t show collective data that would help the business over
all, that\’s why he took it upon himself to come up with an all in one in house software solution that solves most
problems and completely managed by venue operators giving them the power to publish content through various channels,
giving them easy tools to execute on generated leads and build seamless relation with their guests.
What is your solution? VnuMngr is a cloud interface that helps venue operators to increase exposure, sales & manage daily tasks
using any browser.VnuMngr Interface features venue website content management, Table Reservation, Event booking,
Items sales, invoice system, marketing tools, Staff Recruiting & Scheduling, Reporting, Analytics,
Security cam monitoring & POS integration. more details available on
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Varies based on service
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Serial entrepreneur Amir fouad is the founder and CEO of VnuMngr. Previously in 2005 Amir founded & a network for matchmaking talents, events, venues and fans that are interested to keep up with happening events in their cities, after many years of experience in venue operation & web development Amir took it upon himself to come up with a complete interface to serve venue operators to maximize exposure and reduce marketing cost without having to count only on promoters & 3rd party deals website.
Founders Names Amir fouad
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle vnumngr
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