Decibel Insight

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Startup Name Decibel Insight
What problem are you solving? With online customer experience more important than ever, marketers are looking for increasingly sophisticated ways to reduce friction and increase conversion rates. But how do they come up with those ideas? Customer insight is the answer; glimpses into the real experiences of potential and returning customers on their website. Decibel Insight provides those insights in ways that are clear, intuitive, and so compelling that they\’re impossible to ignore. Our aim is simple – to empower businesses with the insights they need to create frictionless online experiences.
What is your solution? Decibel Insight is an award-winning set of advanced behavioral analytics tools that plugs the gap between traditional web analytics and website optimization. Born out of an idea to help clients investigate the ‘why’ behind their site performance, it is now trusted by organizations in more than 50 countries across all sectors.Through the use of innovative and easy-to-understand visualizations, Decibel Insight enables organizations of all sizes to understand the real human behavior behind their web analytics data and make meaningful improvements to optimize customer experience.
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Free trial, full subscription priced according to website traffic
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Decibel Insight was founded by Ben Harris, CEO, and Timothy de Paris, CTO.Ben and Timothy have worked together for a number of years, previously managing a successful web design and build agency (Decibel Digital, formerly New Brand Vision) and software development house (Decibel Technology).
Founders Names Ben Harris, CEO, and Timothy de Paris, CTO
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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Twitter Handle decibelinsight
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