Zingtree – Interactive Support Platform

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Startup Name Zingtree
What problem are you solving? People powered support is expensive. Zingtree saves time and money by eliminating support tickets, reducing back-and forth, and giving employees scripts to follow during live support sessions.
What is your solution? Zingtree makes it easy to create interactive decision trees that lead anyone through complicated processes. Web site visitors or internal agents simply navigate your trees by clicking buttons to answer questions. You get detailed analytics on how your trees are being used to guide product, service and process optimizations.
Target Market support managers, product developers
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Zingtree was first sprouted in late 2013 by the founders of Applian Technologies. Applian was seeing a lot of redundancy in supporting their software products, and as such the first Zingtree-like troubleshooters were hard coded into the support path. After seeing a 25% reduction in support emails, we knew we had a winner, and so Zingtree was started.
Founders Names Bill Dettering
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Website http://zingtree.com/
Twitter Handle @_zingtree
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