Branch Metrics

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Startup Name Branch Metrics
What problem are you solving? So many deep linking standards are being created that app developers have to integrate multiple SDKs in order for their links to work across every platform. Branch does all the heavy lifting to ensure that one integration will create links that work, always.
What is your solution? Branch provides a universal deep link that works across any channel or deep linking platform and allows app developers to share the content in their app and measure organic attribution.
Target Market Developers, Mobile App Developers, Marketers
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Dmitri Gaskin-Dmitri loves writing code and solving complicated technical problems with the help of a whiteboard. Dmitri recently bade his beloved goat herd goodbye so that he no longer has to build Branch products from home during the birth of baby goats. Dmitri also enjoys playing Klezmer accordion and making fine goat cheese. Mike Molinet – Mike loves working with our new and existing partners to help them leverage the power of Branch links. When he\’s not handling the business operations of the company, Mike likes to spend his time building furniture out of reclaimed barnwood. Mike has a engineering bachelors degree and an MBA from Stanford. Alex Austin – Alex’s passion is for building software things that solve real problems. He was born and raised a little ways outside the Bay Area in Carmel Valley, CA. He received an MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford and collected an MBA from the business school a few years later. Mada Seghete – Mada’s passion is for helping companies and products grow. Born and raised in Romania, Mada came to US to study Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. Mada has worked on different sides of building software, starting as a software developer for Siemens Medical, to leading product introductions for Most recently Mada led the design for Kindred Photobooks an app she built with a couple of classmates while in business school, featured by Apple in Best new Apps and as one best apps of 2013 by Google Play. Mada holds a Masters of Engineering with a concentration in Design and an MBA from Stanford.
Founders Names Mada Seghete
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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