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Startup Name taxify24
What problem are you solving? We would like to change working behavior within companies with intense client relationships and regular exchange of fairly secure data and documents.Challenges facing service companies:
• Client communication on different channels
• Transfer and searching of client documents
• Steady reminders on missing documents
• Multiple send outs of monthly overviews

Currently every employee loses 4 hours per month precious time through inefficient management of data and documents provided by the clients!

What is your solution? taxify24 is kind of a smart dropbox, transparently structured and super secure. taxify24 enables accounting firms to exchange documents with their clients 24/7 and accessible from all devices (Web, Android, iOS).Not enough? It comes with an integrated communication engine, which enables semi-automatic individual reminders, single and group communications and access for all connected contacts of a client.

So use taxify24 as employee or client of an accounting company and get all benefits like:
– super secure and transparently structured data exchange
– easy communication accessible from all devices
– steady availability of relevant contact information
– appointment management for clients and employees

It changes the way you co-operate. We simply call it “client service management

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? free trial then starting $49/month
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Oliver Weimann (CEO / Co-Founder)
Serial entrepreneur of mobile and online startups in Germany. 10+ years experience in business consulting and (online) marketing. Studies of business and economics in UK, GermanyMarkus Kuhn (CTO / Co-Founder)
Co-Founder of studentcouch, with a couple of thousand active students from Netherland and Germany. Studies of Computer Science, experience as Full-Stack Webdev.

+ a team of 4 developers (Android, iOS, fronted, data security)
+ advisors from different industries

Founders Names Oliver Weimann
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) NA
Twitter Handle taxify24
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