Forcite Alpine – Smart Snow Sports Helmet

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Ed: Im a big fan of these guys, I met Alfred 2 years ago at the University of NSW when they were pitching the original Motorcycle Helmet concept (I include an original sketch below) and wrote an article on them 2 years ago

They are one of the few people to win the coveted Red Dot award and a Silver in the Dyson Innovation Awards while still in their 20s.

Forcite Police Helmet UNSW

Forcite Police Helmet UNSW

They have come a long way from the early days and are now ready to go into production with the new Alpine Smart Snow Helmet.

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Forcite is running a Kickstarter Campaign for the first orders for the Alpine Smart Snow Helmet you can preorder one here.

Startup Name Forcite Helmet Systems
What problem are you solving? Forcite Helmet aims to address the problem of people having the need for wearable technology within a snow environment and resorting to attaching multiple components together that end up being hazardous and inconvenient to use.
What is your solution? The Forcite Alpine safely integrates a 4K high definition camera, 200m bluetooth/wifi communications capabilities, effortless analytical tracking and ability to share your adventures with your friends at the simple press of a button. It safely integrates these components within a specially designed helmet package that gives users all the benefits of the components typically put together by snow sports enthusiasts.
Target Market Snow Sports enthusiast
How will you make money? Predominantly through product sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? The market opportunity for Forcite is boundless as the electrical system created at Forcite Helmet Systems is completely modular and easily integrated into different product tiers e.g. motorcycle helmets, hardhats etc. At the company’s core, this is what makes Forcite much more competitive than other companies.

We’ve chosen to use the snow helmet as the preliminary testing bed for our electronics and delivery system to work out the best method of integration for all product tiers across the board. The snow sports market is globally a US $5.5 billion per year market.

The founders Alfred Boyadgis and Julian Chow are award winning Industrial Designers who believe that it’s time to bring the century old helmet into the 21st century through innovation and ingenuity.

Founders Names Alfred Boyadgis & Julian Chow
What type of funding has the company received? Angel
Twitter Handle @forcitehelmets
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