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Startup Name DialMyCalls
What problem are you solving? [This pitch is brought to you by Startuplister]We\’ve taken a technology which once would cost thousands of dollars and expensive hardware to purchase, and made it easy enough for your grandma to use. Best of all it\’s completely free for small groups to use DialMyCalls, after that the cost is only pennies per call or sms message.
What is your solution? DialMyCalls lets you easily communicate with a group of people easier than ever before. With our web-based control panel you can send a phone call and/or text message to a list of phone numbers in seconds. Our custom developed high speed message distribution system can send thousands of phone calls & text messages per minute ensuring everyone gets your message immediately.We\’re used by churches, schools, municipalities, businesses, non-profits and much more. Basically any organization that needs a fast way to notify all of their members within seconds. Whether it\’s being used as just a general mass notification system or an emergency notification system, DialMyCalls can be used exactly the same way by any organization.

If you\’re away from your computer you can also access your account via our iphone/android apps; mobile friendly version; and even a toll-free number to dial in and send broadcasts from.

The DialMyCalls API which allows you to easily incorporate our calling/texting technology into your own web-apps and existing software solution. There are a lot of other calling APIs out there by our is specifically geared towards voice broadcasting which ensures you can send hundreds or even thousands of calls at the same time.

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Free Trial, after that monthly plans & packages starting at $7.49
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? What once started as a wake up call service out of a college dorm room, eventually evolved into a mass notification system that\’s used by 10\’s of thousands of organizations around the US and Canada. The company was founded by David Batchelor who has a strong background in web design and sales. After a few years the company got more and more tech heavy and Michael Freedman who was a friend was brought on board for an equity stake in the company. With two different skill sets being covered it helped stabilize the company and allowed it to grow much faster.
Founders Names David Batchelor
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.dialmycalls.com
Twitter Handle DialMyCalls
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