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What problem are you solving? gives a very easy way to make money on every link published on the Internet. High rates, daily payments and simple tools.
What is your solution? is a link shortener which allows you to make profit from every shortened link. It facilitates the sharing of links on the Internet, regardless whether you have your own website, blog, forum or you just post some link online. Additionally, if you register an account at, you will make profit from every link you publish. Publisher get 80% of what the advertiser pays.What makes us distinguish ourselves from our competition?
-high rates – our margin is not more than 20% and therefore, we can offer competitive CPM rates for the directed traffic. You can find the current rates here: .
-daily withdrawals – we do not hold on to your money. The means that are collected are added after the verification of traffic quality, which takes approximately 48 hours. After that time you can withdraw your money.
-the minimal withdrawal amount is only $5
Target Market website owners, blogs owners, fanpage owners, developers, publishers, internet users
How will you make money? Through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? We are a group of friends who share a passion for creating new online tools that are useful to all users of the Internet.
Founders Names Mike Fisher
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Self Funded
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @AdHypeShortener
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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

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