Tap into Safety

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Startup Name Tap into Safety
What problem are you solving? Workplace fatalities, injuries, disease and mental health issues have plateaus globally in the past five years. We injure 43 workers in 1000 on average every year. This figure doubles in high risk industries, for younger workers or workers new to the job.
What is your solution? We develop interactive health and safety training and assessment applications on mobile platforms. We use 360/180 degree panoramic photographic scenes that are customised for individual businesses to provide realistic training content that evokes an emotional response with research proven knowledge retention to change safety behaviour. We have applications that assist at the pre employment phase, safety induction training, hazard perception training, supervision and safety leadership, operating mobile equipment and mental health and wellbeing training and assessment. These applications are supported with a comprehensive gap analysis of the stay knowledge that is retained over time. We also have a mobile phone app (SaferMe) that delivers immediate training on hazard perception as a worker enters the workplace. It uses get location services to deliver alerts, push up the workers interactions with the app and full interactive gap analysis reporting.
Target Market High risk industries
How will you make money? We use a B2B marketing strategy that draws on an annual license and usage model.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Health and safety is a global problem with a value of $7.3 trillion annually. Our applications predominantly are marketed to business with over 200 employees. However the generic content in SaferMe also suits smaller firms with 30 PR more employees. Our market is around 95% of all businesses.
Founders Names Dr Susanne Bahn and Geoffrey Bahn
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.tapintosafety.com.au
Twitter Handle @TapintoSafety
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