Tyre Compare

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Startup Name Tyre Compare
What problem are you solving? We solve the painful task of phoning and visiting multiple tyre retailers when looking for tyre options and pricing.
What is your solution? We have built a comparison style market place that allows an easier research and purchase process for consumers.
Target Market Tyre Consumers & Tyre Retailers.
How will you make money? Our revenue is based on subscription + Success model.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Market:
The market is a huge $4.8Bn Pa but very unorganised.
Our Story:
Stable industry, with a need for a online solution. Many retailers cant afford a website and have know idea how to get online. Tyre compare solves many issues for both the retailer and the consumer. Our business model is very unique in the industry and has major players worried.
Founders Names Matt Banks
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Self Funded
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) N/a
Website www.tyrecompare.com.au
Twitter Handle @tyrecompare
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