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Startup Name Vectr
What problem are you solving? The problem that Vectr is solving is “reduced access-to-information due to (i) someone being afraid/embarrassed to ask a question, or (ii) someone not having the ability to directly ask an expert for the most current answer.”Vectr lets us ask the questions in private to the ones who know best.
What is your solution? Brief description of what it does
Vectr is an anonymous Q&A app for Android and iOS. The app allows the user to ask a question in any topic and the backend algorithm then routes it to the best expert in that field. Each user is also an expert and answers questions accordingly.Vectr makes people more informed by providing them with quality expert-driven information. Vectr makes people more connected by allowing them to share their own curated knowledge real-time. Vectr makes people more empowered through the anonymity and ephemerality of the app allowing them to feel comfortable pursuing ideas in a private setting.
Target Market Quora, StackExchange,, Wikipedia, etc.
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Jake Ichikawa sets the company\’s vision and leads product development. He graduated from the University of Southern California with an Aerospace Engineering degree. Previous experience includes (i) propulsion engineering, (ii) computational simulations and (iii) contract negotiation for airplane sales at The Boeing Company. In 2014, Jake began exploring entrepreneurial endeavors and taught himself how to code Android and iOS apps.Candace Haghighi leads the user growth effort. She graduated from the University of Washington with degrees in Microbiology and Molecular Biology. Previous experience includes lab research and program coordination at the Seattle Children’s Research Institute and PATH. Candace is fluent in Farsi, and proficient in Turkish and Spanish. She was head of sorority recruitment at Gamma Phi (UW).
Founders Names Jake Ichikawa
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle NA
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