jQuery Cards

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Startup Name jQuery Cards
What problem are you solving? A repository that’s easy to use
It has all the jQuery plugin information in one place
show a demo of each plugin
What is your solution? jQuery cards is a curated list of the best jQuery plugins on the web. The website allows you to filter by category as well as seeing demo’s of the plugins. You can save your favourite plugins in your own collection for future use.
Target Market developers, jquery, javascript, html, css
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Digital product designer & developer. Co-founder of http://jquerycards.com & http://housepartyfm.com
Founders Names Aaron Lumsden
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) http://jquerycards.com/emails/screenshot1.png
Website http://jquerycards.com
Twitter Handle @jquerycards
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