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Startup Name Reelevant
What problem are you solving? Our product’s goal is to solve the mass mailing problem. We talk about mass mailing when a company sends the same message, at the same time, to all its email subscribers. So Marianne, 24 years old, is going to receive the very same offers as Michael, 57, years old, while they may be interested in very different things. As each recipient is unique, so should each message.
What is your solution? Reelevant is the live email intelligence technology that analyzes the context of opening and the behavior of each recipient to deliver the message at the best time and display the most relevant content in real time.
Reelevant allows marketing teams to not only send the right message — leveraging contextual data — but also to send it at the right moment for each subscriber — leveraging behavioral data.
Target Market E-commerce websites
How will you make money? Monthly/annual subscriptions
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Vincent Martinet, co-founder and CEO at Reelevant, is in the emailing marketing since 2010. First creating an email marketing agency, then developing an emailing platform in 2012 and now launching a live email intelligence technology.
Anais joined him in 2012 and has been ever since our COO.
Founders Names Vincent Martinet & Anais Demaison
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Series A VC
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @reelevantapp
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