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Startup Name messageLOUD
What problem are you solving? Our goal is to eliminate Distracted Driving fatalities and crashes by allowing users to keep their eyes on the road, and be able to automatically hear their messages read out loud.
What is your solution? messageLOUD is a patent pending messaging service that automatically reads your texts, WhatsApp messages and email out loud, allowing you to drive, work and play safely and productively. Our mission is to eliminate distracted driving with an eyes-free experience that enables you to automatically hear your messages out loud, to easily delete or dismiss messages, or call the sender back –– all without having to look at your phone.
Target Market Consumers who drive regularly,
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Garin Toren is the founder and CEO of messageLOUDmessageLOUD is a patent pending messaging service that automatically reads your texts and email out loud, allowing you to drive, work and play, safely and productively. Our mission is to eliminate distracted driving with an eyes-free experience that enables you to hear your messages automatically out loud, to easily delete or dismiss messages, or call the sender back – all without having to look at your phone.

Garin maintains a relentless pursuit of innovation and focus with messageLOUD, fostering a company that can change the world by eliminating the Distracted Driving pandemic. Garin is high tech industry veteran, having previously served as part owner & EVP of Americas at Striata, Inc., a global leader in secure electronic document deliver, where he ran the New York regional headquarters and oversaw the company for the Americas. Garin has 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in the digital economy, having held equity & key leadership roles for high tech companies focused on Internet, e-commerce, and digital marketing. Garin culminated his studies at the Gordon Institute of Business Science with the Postgraduate Nexus program.

Founders Names Garin Toren
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)
Twitter Handle @garintoren
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