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Startup Name iBoske
What problem are you solving? When you need knowledge about something, you have to spend time learning. It would be great to directly apply other people\’s knowledge.
There is no applied knowledge sharing free platform
What is your solution? For end users, our solution allows to apply directly other people\’s knowledge, tailored immediately right for their needs, using decision trees.For decision tree creators, a way to share their knowledge. For websites, an easier way to solve clients questions and find their right product. For companies, a cheap way of sharing procedures.
Target Market Bloggers, Ecommerce, Call centers, Anyone!
How will you make money? Affiliate links, advertising, subscriptions
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? People love decision trees, but they\’re difficult to design, and difficult to use on smartphones. iBoske solves these problems.
Founders Names Ana M. Martin
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Self Funded
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) NA
Website www.iboske.com
Twitter Handle @iBoske_com
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