Virto Commerce

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Startup Name Virto Commerce
What problem are you solving? Virto Commerce provides e-commerce software solutions and shopping cart software for online businesses.
It enables retailers to launch, promote, and manage an online store; design a storefront; configure products; manage, measure, and optimize their business; seamlessly integrate with industry-leading business applications to market their products.
What is your solution? Virto Commerce is a highly scalable open source eCommerce platform for fast growing and large companies. It provides powerful enterprise-class features right out-of-the-box and gives you the flexibility to create your own unique eCommerce solution while utilizing agile principles.
Target Market developers, project managers
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Virto Commerce was founded in 2011 by industry experts with decades of ecommerce experience. Today, we are Microsoft Gold Partner and provide ecommerce technology, services and expertise for hundreds of merchants and solution companies. Leveraging our open source ecommerce platform, hosted solution and full-service offering, our clients strategically use ecommerce to build stronger customer relationships and rapidly increase global online sales. Alexander Siniouguine (CEO & Founder).
Alexander has nearly 20 years of experience in software product development and ecommerce operations. He was a creator and chief product architect for what is now known as EPiServer Commerce before founding Virto Commerce in 2011. He helped launch multi national ecommerce solutions, including Canon, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Hershey\’s and many others.
He has a Masters in Computer Science from California State University, Fullerton.
Founders Names Alexander Siniouguine
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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Twitter Handle @VirtoCommerce
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