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Startup Name | CallHub |
What problem are you solving? | Advocacy organizations works totally differently to businesses. They work with passionate people who believe in their cause. However the messaging systems they use today do not understand their way of working. They use tools that are meant for businesses. |
What is your solution? | We provide voice and messaging for advocacy organizations to connect with their supporters.Advocacy organizations use it to automatically gather people\’s contact information from events via SMS. They get thousands of volunteers all over the country to talk to their supporters using phone banking. They remind their supporters about election dates and encourage people to go out to vote using voice broadcasting. We are the only solution that is smoothly integrated with their CRM. Our software is sophisticated for the biggest political parties, yet simple enough for a cause! |
Target Market | advocacy organizations, political campaigns, non-profits |
How will you make money? | Through sales |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | Augustus drives the product and business development of CallHub. He has been leading product teams for over 18 years. Before Gaglers, he worked at Yahoo. Previously, he had a long stint at Sun Microsystems in California. He has lead teams in internet software, high-availability clusters, monitoring systems and security software. When he is not working, he is either making toys or training for a marathon |
Founders Names | Augustus Franklin Diraviam |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.callhub.io |
Twitter Handle | @CallHubIO |
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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job