nōni – Reimagining, women’s health

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Startup Name: nōni

Tagline: Reimagining, women’s health

Elevator Pitch: nōni is a birth control and contraceptive delivery service that offers women all across India access to safe and affordable birth control options. The team behind nōni believes that every woman has the right to make informed decisions about her reproductive health, regardless of her socioeconomic status, geographic location, or cultural background. With nōni, women can now access a wide range of birth control options, including pills and more, from the comfort of their own homes.

As you are no doubt aware, India has long struggled with providing adequate healthcare services to its citizens, particularly in rural areas. Women, in particular, have historically been underserved by the healthcare system, with limited access to basic services such as birth control and family planning. This is where nōni comes in. By leveraging the power of technology, nōni has made it possible for women all across India to access the care they need, regardless of where they live.

Target Market: Sexually Active Humans in India

How will you make money?: Fee

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Kartik Rustagi

Website: https://saynoni.com

Twitter: –

City/Country: NEW DELHI

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