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Startup Name: Glowworks Productions, LLC
Tagline: Show Your Glow with Shimmer the Glowworm. Engage with your kids, reading, singing, dancing, and acting.
Elevator Pitch: Show Your Glow with Shimmer the Glowworm. Engage with your kids, reading, singing, dancing, and acting. Discover our curriculum to engage kids with arts, music, singing and dancing. Our Kids book will inspire and uplift children everywhere.
Target Market: Children 4-8 and their Guardians
How will you make money?: increasing awareness about the product hence growing the sales
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Carlos Arroyo
Website: https://showyourglow.com
Twitter: @showyourglow
City/Country: USA/Ft. Lauderdale
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