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Startup Name Tympani
What problem are you solving? Over the last few years we\’ve seen the rise of telemedicine, but there hasn\’t been many home healthcare products that provide quick accurate data to doctors so that they can better assess the situation.
What is your solution? Tympani is a smart themometer that connects to your smartphone. It records and tracks your temperature and allows you to share that data with your doctor remotely.Additionally, we are patnered with Ardina and in-conjunction with our product they are offering a deal of $10 a month for remote healthcare.
Target Market Young parents
How will you make money? Tympani costs $35.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? NA
Founders Names Li Wang & Ryan McManus
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.mytympani.com
Twitter Handle MyTympani
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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

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