Office Panic Button
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Startup Name | Office Panic Button |
What problem are you solving? | There\’s the novelty aspect, which is neat. But there actually are quite a few people (introverted office dwellers) that have expressed true gratefulness for the ability to remove people from their office/cube without having to have a difficult discussion. Plus, you get several hundred integrations so you can set up appointment reminders as a natural consequence of the app. |
What is your solution? | You\’re busy doing…whatever it is you do at the office. You get it, but some people…don\’t.If you need a simple, quick, cheap way to get \”called away\” so you can get back to work – use us. In about 60 seconds you\’ll have a unique, secure way to initiate a call to whatever phone (cell or office) that you\’d like. After that, either use a real button, use a virtual button, or integrate with your calendar (remember that important meeting tag?). At last count there were about 465 ways you could get us to call you. Have some social media presence? Then it\’s likely that your calls will be free, forever. It\’s not that complicated – you need a simple escape hatch. Don\’t call us – we\’ll call you. |
Target Market | Consumers |
How will you make money? | $10 for 50 calls (what\’s your time worth?) |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | Single, bootstrapped founder (with some code review by some IT friends). I am a product manager/owner at an international software firm. When not making panic buttons I\’m helping raise 3 kids. |
Founders Names | Adam Rose |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.officepanicbutton.com |
Twitter Handle | OfficePanicBtn |
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