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What problem are you solving? Many start-ups businesses, as well as established businesses, struggle to adequately promote their product. Grabbyassists these businesses, as well as marketing companies, in building extensive email address databases that can be used for marketing purposes. Grabby is a fast and efficient email address collecting platform. Users provide a list of websites and Grabby finds and collects all email addresses on those websites.
What is your solution? Grabby is a fast and efficient email address collecting platform. Users provide a list of websites and Grabby does the rest by searching each and every page for email addresses. The service runs entirely in the cloud, is active 24/7, and requires no software installation. It is very easy and intuitive to use.Grabby’s efficiency is rooted in its powerful algorithms and the fact that it creates a dedicated server infrastructure for each user and project. Grabby allows setting up an unlimited number of projects which makes its service also infinitely scalable. Our service is therefore quite flexible and bespoke to each user’s needs.

Users can easily generate very extensive relevant and targeted email address contact databases to supercharge their marketing campaigns. Many of our users harvest email addresses ranging from thousands to even millions.

Very importantly, Grabby is very economical to run. After a small one-time project fee of $5.00, costs only accumulate on a per usage basis at rate of less than $0.05 per hour (specifically $0.0446/hour). All that makes the service very attractive for large as well as small customers, for start-ups, established businesses as well as established direct marketing firms.

Grabby was recently featured on several blogs, forums and product review sites. It received many compliments and great reviews.

Customers describe Grabby as: “I love this product. It\’s like a much cheaper version of,, $0.04/hr and $5 per a project. That\’s so cheap.”, “Great product, this came to me a couple days ago… perfect timing as is closing.”, “I forgot to say how cool this tool is. I\’m so excited to use it.“, \”Nothing to install and all via my browser. Loved it. Will use it again.\”, \”[We\’re] running several projects at the same time. It\’s extremely scalable, automatic and 24/7. Ideal for building large email databases…\”

Target Market start-ups, marketers, marketing firms, businesses
How will you make money? Through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? We are a dedicated team of three people. Each team member has different areas of focus. We have one business focused individual, dealing with operations, financials, marketing and strategic planning as well as two experienced developers. They consist of one back-end developer and one front-end developer who is also a graphics designer.
Founders Names Sebastian
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @GrabbyIo
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