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Startup Name Jooicer
What problem are you solving? We cover all the most powerfull list of strategies to grow your account with real-targeted followers, in just one tool.
What is your solution? Set all your strategies to grow your Twitter account on just one tool. Follow the followers of your competitors, Follow/Favorite by keywords, Follow/Favorite cleanup, direct messages, etc.
Target Market startups, founders and C level people, marketers, agencies, community managers
How will you make money? Through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? I\’m a Data-Driven Marketing guy with a focus on growth. What they now call \”Growth Hacker\”, if you like the term. I love performance based campaigns and get the most of every profitable customer acquisition channel.- Spanish serial entrepreneur.
– I have sold my previous 2 companies.
– Outside the box thinker.
– Musician.
Founders Names David Rodríguez Coronado
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) NA
Twitter Handle @jooicer
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