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Startup Name | Datadeck |
What problem are you solving? | Did you know that, according to PwC, most companies only use at most 5% of their data? Meaning most companies make the overwhelming majority of business decisions by gut instinct.That might work for some business people. But the companies that survive into the 2020s will use more of their data in real-time to make accurate and profitable decisions. Everything from Salesforce and Facebook data to internal Excel spreadsheets, MySQL, Hadoop databases, to medical records, attendance and performance numbers, the weather, census information, stock indexes. Smart businesses will correlate all this data together and find the patterns that make their revenues grow 10x, 20x, 100x. We all face two problems with gaining insights from this data. First, the data sources are hard to connect to and combine. Second, asking the questions–querying–normally takes a business intelligence or IT brain with deep technical skills. Not anymore. Now there’s Datadeck. |
What is your solution? | Datadeck collects and blends your data in real time to visualize it in beautiful templates and widgets. It brings teams together by sharing the same data with everyone and allowing your whole company–from the least technically skilled entry level assistant to your CIO–to get on the same page and make united decisions.And it allows all of them to use a simple internal search engine to ask and get answers in plain English. So you can solve the most pressing problems facing your company. Together. No code. No hassle. No need to create star schemas or dimension tables. Datadeck combines your data fast and efficiently to deliver only the results you need to answer only the questions you’re interested in right now. |
Target Market | Any company that has data |
How will you make money? | we offer 2 options:1) Licenses for software platform 2) Consulting in helping businesses setting up Datadeck and help to make their companies more efficient. |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | The next couple of years Gartner predicts billion dollar investments by all major companies investing in BI. |
Founders Names | Yuan Zheng |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | Series B VC |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.datadeck.com |
Twitter Handle | datadeck1 |
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