AdsReport – Introducing: Reporting Tool for Facebook Ads

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Startup Name: AdsReport

Tagline: Introducing: Reporting Tool for Facebook Ads

Elevator Pitch: AdsReport is a Facebook advertising data reporting tool. It automatically generates reports from Facebook ad data through dashboards.
Our advantage:

1.Channel advantages: We focus on the generation of Facebook advertising data reports. The unique quality allows us to build an excellent platform.
2.Content advantages: The report is generated through the design of the dashboard. We provide advertising data templates and 130 advertising indicators for you to choose to create the most suitable advertising report.
3.Free to use

4.Useful functions: PDF one-click download function, online report link sharing function, massive data storage function, no matter how long the data is, you can immediately generate reports in your advertising account.
Target Market: Marketing services, Facebook advertising tools, advertising agency audiences, data analysis tools.

How will you make money?: NA

How much capital have you raised?: NA

Founder(s) Name: Alvin Green


Twitter: @AlvinGr89113209

City/Country: New York, USA

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