– Cache as a Service

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Ed: We are witnessing the rise of the super niche DevOps service. is about as niche as you get, providing caching and CDN deployment as a service.

While building our soon to be launched News discovery engine I found I could piece together an entire application from pre-built APIs and web services except a couple of the really hard bits, the scalable crawler and the machine learning (which is where the magic is anyway so it should be difficult to replicate).

Having said that there were numerous Crawling and Machine Learning APIs available but the scale we are aiming (millions of sites in real time and 10000s of topics) they were not suitable from a cost perspective or the level of customisation so we had to build our own.

But this section of the stack is relatively easy to deploy as a 3rd party service.

I guess all these guys have to do build a real business is to convince a few hundred large corporates to use their services for their websites and they have a decent business, apparently they are well on their way.

If they can convince a thousand e-commerce sites, they will end up with $1 million + monthly run rate and its a very valuable business with very low churn which is relatively easy to manage compared to a lot of other web services.

Startup Name
What problem are you solving? Developed by a team of web engineers that have seen a gap in the market for a self-managed product for controlling caching. Currently most of our users are using for:- Magento and e-Commerce Caching
– Instantly Deploy, Test and Real-Time Stats on Caching
– For projects which require caching separate from the application/project
What is your solution? provides a simple way to spin up and manage a complete Varnish Cache solution for your web application in just a few minutes.
Target Market Developers, Dev-Ops
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity?
Founders Names Stewart Mcgrath & Dan Bartholomew
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Twitter Handle @section_io
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